USDA Announces Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Changes

The department's COOL Division has begun reorganizing COOL guidance information available on its website

USDA has begun reorganizing COOL guidance information available on its website where it can be easily accessed by everyone.

The Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) Division of USDA is striving to make 2017 a more information-driven year for our industry stakeholders. The division has already begun by reorganizing COOL guidance information available on its website where it can be easily accessed by everyone. Recent additions include Consumer, Retailer, and Supplier fact sheets in 6 translations, updated our FAQs & updated contact information.

In a press release, USDA wrote, “We will continue to make positive changes to our website in 2017 which will enhance the digital and personal experience for our stakeholders. There will be more tools in the upcoming year to better communicate COOL information and provide the services you, the stakeholder, need to successfully comply with COOL requirements.” 

Visit and explore these changes.