If the food safety system of the United States is among the world’s best, why are recalls always in the news?
Recalls may seem to indicate that U.S. food has become less safe. But, said BioMerieux Director of Scientific Affairs Stan Bailey, "I would argue the opposite—that because we are having recalls, our food is safer."
"I think we are having more recalls because we have better tools to epidemiologically link more cases," Bailey said, citing programs such as CDC’s PulseNet, which enables analysis of genetic typing of outbreak-causing bacteria to better detect outbreaks. When the data is fed into a common database, "we are able to detect and see linkages that we never saw before."
Wendy Warren, chief science officer of Food Safety Net Services, agrees that a key reason behind U.S. recalls is the nation’s increased sophistication in detecting the root cause of illness. "Our ability to detect illness and assign it back to a pathogen is sophisticated," Warren said. "And it’s continuing to become more sophisticated."
Even noting the advances and sophistication of U.S. food safety, both scientists agreed that the industry continues to face challenges in pathogen detection that make it difficult, if not impossible, to have pathogen-free foods.
"These are the same challenges there have always been," Bailey said. The bad bacteria are generally present in small numbers, alongside good bacteria in larger numbers, so they can be very difficult to detect. "You’re searching for a needle in a haystack.
"Bacteria are everywhere," he said. "And only a small portion of them are bad; we couldn’t live without the good bacteria."
The question is often asked: Why does it take so long to detect pathogens in foods? Because the pathogens are usually present in small numbers, we have to grow them to the level that our current technologies can detect them, Bailey said. "All of the current commercial technologies need between one thousand and 10 thousand organisms per milliliter of enrichment broth for detection."
This is true, at least, in the current state of technology which does not always allow for real-time analysis, Bailey said. "Because we have to take that small number of pathogens and grow them up to a number that can be detected."
Sampling Challenges. A key challenge in detection is getting a representative sample, Warren said. "Pathogens tend to be very much unevenly distributed in food products that are not produced in a homogenous way."
Warren cited an example of the differences in sampling of milk and beef trim. Because the milk would be mixed during processing, pathogens would be evenly distributed and a sample more likely representative. In a solid, such as beef trim, or a food with large chunks, she said, "you can have pathogens that are scattered inconsistently, and generally they are at low levels."
So, she asked, "How do you properly sample a batch so you get a good sample for the entire batch?"
Sample methods are, in fact, often based on mathematical and statistical models that assume even distribution, she said. Only recently have sampling plan publications begun to add sub-caveats noting that organisms can be unevenly distributed. In these, she said, they will often refer to homogenous foods, such as liquids which have a high degree of mixing; intermediate homogenous foods, e.g., mixed solids, such as ground beef; and inhomogenous foods, those which are completely unmixed solids.
The question in sampling can then become a matter of balancing risk between the consumer and the producer. That is, Warren said, "You don’t want to release a batch that is potentially risky, but you don’t want your plan to be so terribly stringent that you are rejecting everything and have no product to sell."
The Line in the Sand
"The best quality program in the world will find and eliminate systemic errors. But there’s always the chance of the single-time whoops," said Mike Wolf, lab director of JL Analytical Services.
Whether you work on a bench as a chemist or in an office as an accountant, it is important to double check your work before you call it complete. "There seems to be a line in the sand," that has to do with whether a person learned to calculate math problems with a slide rule or with a calculator, Wolf said. For those too young to remember, a slide rule is defined by The American Heritage Dictionary as "a device consisting of two logarithmically scaled rules mounted to slide along each other so that multiplication, division, and other more complex computations are reduced to the mechanical equivalent of addition or subtraction." Or, if you prefer, a simpler definition from Dictionary.com: "a device for performing mathematical calculations, consisting essentially of a ruler having a sliding piece moving along it, both marked with graduated, usually logarithmic, scales: now largely replaced by the electronic calculator."
It is precisely its being replaced by the calculator that Wolf sees as the line in the sand. When calculations are made with a slide rule, tracking has to be done in one’s head. Because of this, he said, "Once you finish the calculation, the next thing you do is ask yourself: Does this make sense?"
To relay it to lab work, Wolf said that when a test is finished, the results should be put in numerical order, then the values reviewed with the thought in mind: Does this make sense?
Students who learned to calculate problems with slide rules were taught to check themselves; to be self doubting. Those who learned on an electronic calculator tend to not question if it could be wrong. Because, of course, a calculator can’t be wrong. Unfortunately this does not take human error into consideration—that the "calculator" who is pushing the numbers could be wrong.
Method Validation. A second key challenge is that of selecting a sampling method that can adequately detect the specified level for a specific product, Warren said. That is, has the method been validated according to the conditions in which it is to be applied? Even if the method was validated for the product, it may be at a different defect level or portion size.
Thus, the challenge is, she said, "making sure the test method is appropriate for how it is being used."
Over the last year a great deal of forward movement has been seen in test method validation and laboratory accreditation, Warren said, noting that she sees it continuing. "I expect to see fruition of that this year."
This is partly due to the fact that the regulatory agencies have heightened their focus on what’s happening in the labs, she said. In addition, when there is a lack of clarity and weakness in lab operations, "that could be misleading food manufacturers in terms of data." Thus, it is important to ensure that there is validation data on the labs’ testing methods and all applications are verified, she said, "so that all the wheels are turning in the right direction."
"I think that’s an area that has just been assumed," she said. "If there’s no oversight, you can’t get verification. It’s a good time for transparency."
Emerging Organisms. The question was also posed to the scientists as to whether new disease-causing organisms are emerging. Although neither knew of any specific "new" organisms, they did not discount the possibility.
"There is always the opportunity for new disease-causing organisms," Warren said, adding, there could be something occur of which we are not aware.
Bailey answered the question with examples of pathogens discovered in recent decades, then countered with a question of his own.
In the mid- to late 80s, Salmonella enteritidis was discovered in poultry, he said. At the time, the industry had a "pretty good" system for Salmonella tracing, but "all of a sudden we saw Salmonella enteritidis primarily linked to eggs around the world." Soon after, he said, the pathogen became one of the top two serotypes causing illness. Because the detection methodology had not changed, this was probably an emerging pathogen.
Another example Bailey gave was Campylobacter. The apparent prevalence of Campylobacter significantly increased in the late 1980’s, he said, adding that, in his opinion, "this increase was due to improved methods of detection and was not necessarily a true increase in prevalence."
Thus, the question, Bailey posed regarding newly "emerging" pathogens: "Is it an emerging pathogen or is it an emerging technology able to detect the pathogen?"
Incremental Improvements. In the similar way, Bailey sees the technology of pathogen detection as gradually evolving rather than having sudden emergences—though he keeps an open mind to this as well. "There’s always a possibility of some dramatic breakthroughs, but it seems to me the diagnostic industry is making incremental improvements."
Rapid detection methods, for example use two or three basic platforms, but the specific pathogen tests on these platforms are improving, so they are more able to be performed rapidly with less cross reactivity, he explained.
And can rapid detection keep evolving or does it reach a point at which results are sacrificed? "You can only get so rapid at this point without sacrificing the probability of detecting at low concentrations," Warren said.
However, there is a working group, established by the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), that is currently looking at sample prep methods for detection. Charged to investigate new technologies, the group is seeking prep methods that could potentially provide an alternative to the time-consuming nature of enrichment, such as techniques added into the process to help concentrate it and increase the reliability of detecting the target if it’s in there, she said.
Because today’s tests rely on culture-based detection, they require that bacteria grow to certain levels before they can be detected. "And they require a certain amount of time to grow," Warren said. "There is a fine balance between getting reliable detection versus a potential for a false negative if you shorten the time."
Accountability. In the new economy, with growing variance between small business and mega-corporations, questions of scale and accountability also come into play. "Do you treat a small farmer the same as a big company?" Bailey posed.
Having grown up on a small farm and now working in pathogen management, Bailey can see both sides of the equation. "My heart reaches out to the small farmer," he said. "But from a food safety aspect, I can’t say you have to treat them different. Maybe a little, but the ultimate outcome has to be the same.
Foodborne illness can originate on even the smallest spinach or pepper farm, Bailey said. "It’s the weakest link that pulls the whole chain apart."
The Many Faces of GLPs
Good Laboratory Practices (GLPs) have similarities to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in that both are guidance documents. However, while GMPs refer to general practices across the manufacturing process for food quality and safety, the focus of GLPs is on specific practices that are not necessarily applicable to all labs.
The internationally accepted definition tends to be that of Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which states that GLP embodies principles by which "laboratory studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived. These studies are undertaken to generate data by which the hazards and risks to users, consumers and third parties, including the environment, can be assessed.... GLP helps assure regulatory authorities that the data submitted are a true reflection of the results obtained during the study and can therefore be relied upon when making risk/safety assessments."
FDA-based GLPs are regulations meant to put standards around pre-clinical studies, said Wendy Warren, chief science officer for Food Safety Net Services. They set the basis for FDA drug and chemical approvals, so are prescriptive, requiring extensive supporting documentation.
However, a more general definition of GLPs is often used to refer to management controls for the consistency and reliability of lab results. "People have generally referred to GLPs as elements that would support the data produced by labs," Warren said. In other words, indicating that the lab has a good quality assurance program.
It is this sense of the word by which Christopher Snabes, food technical specialist for the American Proficiency Institute, discusses quality practices for food labs, noting that GLPs should include proper documentation and communication, including that of qualified personnel through training, education, experience, or a combination of the three.
"Maintaining a food laboratory with cost-effective instrumentation and personnel has been the traditional way to run food laboratories," Snabes said. "However, a willingness to improve accuracy through the incorporation of proficiency testing, and the ability to detect problems prior to a product entering the market needs to override this tradition." This may entail training in current techniques and instrumentation.
One method of ensuring competence is for plant management to require that its third-party lab partner be proficiency tested, Snabes said. "Proficiency testing results help ensure that the laboratories are doing what they are saying and saying what they are doing."
As the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) spreads, Snabes expects labs to be required to maintain GLPs, and be proficiency tested. "As international trade continues to expand and GFSI is accepted in this country, GLP will continue to be relied upon to ensure food safety," Snabes said.
The 5 W's of Lab Quality
If you are trying to improve overall quality of service and value of a laboratory—whether in-house or commercial—the key is right on the front end," said Mike Wolf, lab director of JL Analytical Services. "In terms of looking at overall service to the customer, it comes down to that initial communication." That is, initial communication that answers the five W’s:
What is being tested?
Understanding the sample to be tested and the applicable test methods are critical for accurate results. But there will be times that a lab gets a sample or test request for which it has less expertise.
Every lab has specialty areas, Wolf said. "With certain types of testing, you tend to develop experience and expertise over time. In any service organization, especially, there will be strengths and weaknesses. You need to know what these are and be able to supplement the weaknesses."
Although JL Analytical provides microbiology services and Wolf has experience in this area, his background is in chemistry. Thus, there are products and micro tests with which he is less familiar. At such times, it is important that a lab or technician acknowledge that it is not his or her specialty area and seek guidance. For example, Wolf said, he is able to rely on his staff microbiologists and experts at the headquarters lab.
"It’s not important for an individual to be an expert on everything. But you owe it to your client to be upfront," Wolf said. "You need to be comfortable with letting people know you are not expert on everything. If you try to convince your production manager or external client that you are, you are doing them a disservice."
Why is it being tested?
Wolf had a client who sent in a produce sample to be tested for oil and grease. The query immediately brought a question to Wolf’s mind because it is not typical for produce. So, instead of simply running the test, he asked the client why it was being requested.
When the customer responded that the produce had a lot of brown spots on the tissue and they wanted to know where it came from, Wolf recommended that the produce be examined beneath a microscope instead, where a technician could see the spots in detail and have a better idea of its source. Not only would this provide a more direct test, it would cost the client a great deal less than running trial-and-error tests on possible causes.
There will also be differences based on the program for which a test is being run. For example a milk sample might be received with a request to run an environmental instead of a food chemical/microbiological test. "Although the fundamentals are all the same, there are differences in the details," he said, adding, "Sometimes you will even come up with regulatory programs that conflict. By the lab having a better idea of what issue the client is trying to solve, it can lead to much, much better service," Wolf said.
Who is requiring the test?
"Certain analytical methods are accepted by certain programs and not by others," Wolf said. So if a food processor is having a sample tested in order to meet a customer’s standards, it is important that it know the analytical methods that customer will accept. It is a critical area to address to ensure that the lab is running the right protocols, he explained.
Interpretation of results is also based on specifications of a program or company requesting the test. A client wanted Wolf to test a product for yeast and mold. When Wolf provided the report, the client asked, "What does it mean?"
It depends. Wolf cited a peroxide value test for rancidity of nuts as an example of a report’s interpretation. The higher the value, the more likely it is that a rancid taste could be detected. However, clients will cite different value specifications based on the nut and its use. If almonds were to be used in a chocolate bar, for example, the client may require a low value for white chocolate, but allow a higher value for those being used in a dark chocolate bar, because its stronger taste can mask minor traces.
"We do what we can to give guidance," Wolf said, "but interpretation of results depends on the situation."
Where are results to be sent?
While results often go back to the person requesting the test, it is not uncommon to be asked that results be sent to a different manager, location or third party. It is critical that this be coordinated at the start to ensure turn time is met if results are to be sent elsewhere or confidentiality is retained if returned to point of origin.
When are results needed?
Wolf has often received samples for which clients expected a specific turn time—but did not communicate it. "If we had known when we received the sample, we could have worked out arrangements to meet the need," he explained.
Getting a clear timetable at the outset is also critical for decision-making. "It is of paramount importance that you be able to rely on the report, and on the fact that the result will be valid to make the decision," Wolf said. "It doesn’t do you any good to find out the results after you’ve had to make the decision."
Turn time can also challenge a lab’s quality of work. "Clients care about turn-around time, turn-around time, turn-around time—then quality, results and price," Wolf said. "I know clients care about turn-around time, but I know results have to be right first."
While it is a client’s responsibility to provide information, it is the lab’s responsibility to ask the questions, especially if something doesn’t make sense, Wolf said. And this is true whether it is a third-party lab servicing a food plant, or an in-house lab working with the quality assurance or plant manager.
The author is managing editor of QA. She can be reached at llupo@giemedia.com.

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