5 Questions with Alison Smith, Senior Director of Strategic Accounts, Meritech

Keeping hands clean is the key to protecting both consumers and the food industry. Alison Smith, the Senior Director of Strategic Accounts, Meritech, dives into hand hygiene compliance and how it impacts overall food safety.

1. How has hand hygiene compliance evolved, and why is it important for food safety?

To prevent outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, hand hygiene compliance is vital in the food industry. As trends shift towards a more health-conscious and informed consumer base, maintaining hand hygiene not only protects public health but also safeguards the reputation of food businesses. With increased awareness and stricter regulations, the need for consistent hand hygiene practices in every step of food handling has skyrocketed over the years.

2. Could you elaborate on the technological advancements that are aiding hand hygiene compliance today?

Cutting-edge innovations like CleanTech® Automated Handwashing Systems are revolutionizing how businesses handle hygiene compliance. These systems not only ensure consistent handwashing throughout entire facilities, but they also eliminate human error. You can take immediate action to fix any compliance issues because they track valuable handwashing data. These advancements perfectly align with the increasing demand for transparency and accountability in food safety hygiene practices.

3. How does the design of hygiene areas impact hand hygiene compliance?

The design of hygiene areas is very important for hand hygiene compliance. Placing handwashing stations strategically and putting up signs that are impossible to miss can really hammer in the importance of keeping things safe and hygienic. Facilities can incorporate design elements that practically scream “wash your hands here!” Meritech can help businesses design hygiene areas to be used effectively and often.

4. How can businesses foster a culture that places a high value on hand hygiene compliance?

Building a solid food safety culture demands leaders who are committed and employees who are engaged. It’s all about regular training sessions, open communication and giving credit where it’s due for good hygiene practices. A robust food safety culture not only ensures compliance but also resonates with employees, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and creating a more positive work environment.

5. How can businesses adapt their training approaches to stay current with evolving compliance standards?

It’s necessary to shake things up and make hand hygiene training fun and engaging. Interactive and scenario-based training keeps employees more engaged and ensures they understand the importance of proper hand hygiene protocols. Additionally, with continuous learning becoming more important, businesses and their employees can stay up to date with the latest regulations and best practices through regular training updates.

September October 2023
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