5 Questions with Bennett Jordan, Ph.D., B.C.E., Staff Scientist, Ecolab

Stored product pests pose a serious threat to companies that manufacture, use or sell food or food-grade ingredients. The following five questions explore stored product pests, including how to prevent and control an infestation.

1. Why do stored product pests pose such a serious threat?

Stored product pests are a group that includes over 60 species of insects in North America. From whole grains to processed foods, these pests are found all along the food chain, from harvest to processing to retail. Stored product pests harbor, feed on or gather around food, raw materials and stored products. An infestation can have a devastating effect on your brand reputation, productivity, costs and ability to operate.

2. What are ways to protect food from these pests?

Proactive practices such as sanitation, incoming goods inspections and first-in/first-out rotations help protect stored food. A holistic preventive program includes visual inspections and pheromone monitors to help detect the first signs of insect presence, followed by source identification, cleaning the affected area and applying targeted treatment when appropriate. If an infestation is detected, professional treatment such as fumigation may be necessary to eliminate the infestation.

3. Does fumigation mean your pest service program has failed?

No, fumigation is just as integral to an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program as inspections and monitoring. It should not be a replacement or a crutch for poor sanitation. Fumigants eliminate all life stages — something no other pesticide can accomplish — require minimal downtime and help protect the consumer and brand integrity. When planned, fumigation services are financially beneficial to eliminate unplanned emergency shutdowns and downtime.

4. What role do pheromone monitors play in a preventive program?

Stored product pest monitors take many shapes but are broadly separated into traps for flying pests and crawling pests. Monitoring is a key component of a preventive program and setting thresholds. Pheromone monitors can quickly detect pests, often before pests are detected through visual inspection. They help pinpoint the infestation location to get at the root cause. No monitor can replace the need for good sanitation and other preventive practices.

5. How can Ecolab help?

Stored product pests can enter anywhere across the food chain, underscoring the importance of partnering with a strong provider to address root cause. At Ecolab, in addition to our highly trained service specialists using science-driven prevention strategies, our team of entomologists conduct deep forensic work to pinpoint where along the food chain the infestation occurred. This provides an extra layer of expertise in identifying the source of the infestation.

March April 2023
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