5 Questions with Thomas Powell, Technical Field Specialist, MGK

Cockroaches are one of the top pests PMPs face year-round. MGK’s Technical Field Specialist, Thomas Powell, answers common questions and shares expert tips on how to get improved control of German cockroaches.

1. Why is fogging an important method for controlling German cockroaches in commercial kitchens?

Fogging can be a powerful tool, especially when treating hard-to-reach areas like drop ceilings. These areas can be easy to overlook but serve as an ideal harborage for German cockroaches, providing a secluded space close to food and water sources. Fogging allows for comprehensive coverage and can be more efficient and effective in these challenging areas versus other methods.

2. When should fogging be considered?

There are two primary instances:

  1. During an initial service to a new client where previous treatments have failed. Fogging can help quickly establish control.
  2. If a current account is proving difficult to manage with standard treatments. Fogging provides an alternative approach to disrupt the cockroach population and regain control.

3. How does droplet size impact fogging effectiveness?

The size of the droplets affects how long the insecticide stays suspended in the air and how deeply it penetrates cracks, crevices and voids where cockroaches hide. Smaller droplets remain airborne longer, increasing the chances of reaching hidden pests. Droplet size can be affected by pressure, viscosity and fluid temperature. Correctly calibrating your fogger to produce the right droplet size for the environment ensures optimal results.

4. What are the benefits of using a ULV fogger in commercial kitchens, especially in areas like drop ceilings?

ULV foggers are ideal for treating drop ceilings, where pests often harbor unnoticed. Fogging ensures comprehensive coverage, forcing cockroaches out of hiding and into contact with the insecticide. It’s important to ensure the treatment area is sealed off and the customer does not share a drop ceiling with another facility. When using oil-based products, turn off pilot lights and ventilation systems, store food items and lock doors to prevent accidental exposure during treatment.

5. What features should I look for in a fogging concentrate?

When choosing fogging products, it’s important to seek ones with long-lasting control. Shockwave Fogging Concentrate offers six months of residual control for listed cockroaches and three months for stored product pests. By incorporating NyGuard IGR, Shockwave works to break the life cycle of listed insects like the naturally occurring insect growth hormones that interfere with insect growth and development. This product provides flushing, quick knockdown and long-lasting control for various pests, such as cockroaches and stored product pests.

Sept/Oct 2024
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