Sanitary Design

A Stepping Stone Approach

Sanitary Design Principles

The 10 Principles of Sanitary Design from the American Meat Institute (AMI) are:
  1. Cleanable to a microbiological level
  2. Made of compatible materials.
  3. Accessible for inspection, maintenance, cleaning and sanitation.
  4. No product or liquid collection.
  5. Hollow areas should be hermetically sealed.
  6. No niches.
  7. Sanitary operational performance.
  8. Hygienic design of maintenance enclosures.
  9. Hygienic compatibility with other plant systems.
  10. Validate cleaning and sanitizing protocols.

As defined by those who developed the principle, sanitary design is “the application of design techniques which allow the timely and effective cleaning of the entire manufacturing asset.” Originally published by the Equipment Design Task Force of the American Meat Institute (AMI) in the early 2000s, the principles have since been adapted to all segments of the food industry.

While best case is to design your plant and all its equipment according to sanitary design principles, very few processors can realistically start from scratch to design sanitation into every piece of equipment and part of the facility.

However, you can use the principles to assess your equipment and facility, then determine where low-cost or applied improvements can be made, and where long-term initiatives may need to be planned. “Building replacement and modernization into the budget is a managed approach,” said Ole Dosland, food protection consultant and trainer. Although quick fixes, such as duct tape and spot welds, may be tempting, a planned replacement modernization approach will yield better long-term results and help maintain regulatory compliance. “Retrofitting using the duck-tape/bailing-wire mentality within a primary pathogen control area is just not acceptable,” Dosland said.

This does not mean, however, that nothing can be done until major changes are economically feasible. Rather, you can apply the sanitation steps of the principles to your existing equipment to improve food safety, particularly those related to accessibility, surface cleanability, hollow area sealing, and validation.

Access and Cleanability.
One of the most critical aspects of cleaning is that of access to all areas, thus equipment with hidden or inaccessible areas, where food could be trapped or bacteria could grow, should take top priority for renovation or replacement.

“If the operator or sanitation crew can’t see it, it can’t be cleaned,” said Ben Trustem, applications engineering supervisor for Arrowhead Conveyor Corporation. “If you can’t see a surface or cavity, there is no way to guarantee that it is actually clean.” Thus, as a general concept, the more open the construction of the equipment and the easier the breakdown, the better it can be cleaned.

In addition, Trustem said, it is important to place equipment so as to allow for access around all sides. “If it is too tight to the wall or too high overhead, the sanitation crew can’t get into it to clean.”

“Cleaning is impossible if access is not provided, and cleaning is difficult if the access is limited,” Dosland said. Ease of access not only promotes better cleaning, he said, it is “a key for the cleaning science to work its wonders.”

In addition, when one considers the steps involved in cleaning and sanitation, the more difficult the equipment or facility is to clean the greater the impact the process will have on plant productivity. “All equipment must be cleaned, but some equipment and utensils must also be sanitized, “ said Fred Wu, president and CEO of DeltaTrak. “Special sanitation equipment may be required that must meet set standards established by state and local rules and regulations, and monitoring equipment must be on hand to ensure equipment compliance.”

The basic steps of a thorough sanitation process, Wu said, are pre-clean: remove, scrape and rinse to remove loose food or dirt; wash: use detergent solutions to remove stuck-on food or dirt; rinse: remove food, dirt and detergent; sanitize: kill attached surviving bacteria and viruses; then air dry.

Education and Validation.
It is also important to ensure your cleaning and maintenance personnel are educated in sanitary design principles, Dosland said. Defined as the application of scientific principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture and operation of structures, equipment and processes, engineering seeks efficiencies. Defined as keeping structures, equipment and processes in proper condition for the intended operation, maintenance seeks ways to quickly get back into operation. “If we can educate the cleaning and maintenance personnel with good sanitary design principles, we can build in solutions and build out problems,” Dosland said.

In addition, he said, “maintenance should be planned with a sanitary design review. How can this piece of the environment be more accessible, be more cleanable, and be free of voids?”

“Cleaning procedures must be clear, detailed, validated and, when used, verified,” Dosland said. “Test the procedure and validate effectiveness with a rigorous process. Surfaces can be cleaned but to what standard? Verify that the cleaning procedure was executed properly, documented and shows evidence it was completed effectively.”

When the time does come to consider new equipment, keep in mind that, in general, the more sanitary design that is built into the piece, the higher the cost will be, Trustem said. But instead of looking at the direct cost, weigh it against the cost of cleaning and downtime associated with equipment not built with sanitary design principles. In addition to comparing lost production time and excessive labor for cleaning, he said, you should ask yourself, “If I don’t have sanitary design, how do I know the sanitary team can truly clean this thing?”

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Concrete Surfaces: Extra Precautions Needed

You probably follow all GMPs, washing your floors and walls regularly, using food-area approved cleaners and sanitizers. But if your structure is typical, with concrete floors and/or walls, you may need to be taking some extra precautions.

“Food chemicals are surprisingly aggressive to both concrete and steel,” said John Durig, Sherwin Williams food and beverage global market development director. The salts used in processing and acids in foods, such organic acids in meat products and lactic acids in dairy products, can cause the concrete to corrode over time if it is left unprotected.

“To guard against involuntary shutdowns from [regulatory] compliance breaches, it’s essential to eliminate difficult-to-clean and water-absorbing surfaces, like tile grout lines, that can harbor pathogens,” Durig said. “Concrete, by its nature, has a high pH, so any acid will, over time, literally dissolve the paste that holds the concrete together.” And in doing so, will provide harborage for bacteria.

“Bacteria need three things to thrive and survive: a surface to cling to that will protect them from sanitizers and cleaners, a food source, and water,” he said. To eliminate these survival elements in concrete surfaces, Durig recommends a four-step approach:

  1. Create a seamless surface. Applying a coating over the concrete will both protect it and seal in any bacteria already harboring there. Sealed off, the bacteria will be unable to contaminate food products and will eventually die for lack of a food source. While surfaces such as brick or tile have better chemical resistance, the joints are generally based in cement, providing an area for bacteria to thrive.
  2. Slope floors toward drains. If you keep fluids moving to the drain, you will reduce moisture and bacteria survivability.
  3. Integrate a wall and cove system. This seamless system eliminates the right-angled junction between floor and wall, creating a water-tight surface and eliminating a key harborage area for bacteria. With this system, Durig said, “You can literally spray wash the entire room, from wall to floor, and water will not collect anywhere.”
  4. Apply a coating that is infused with antimicrobial agents, such as silver. A natural antibiotic, silver is approved for use in food areas, and no bacteria have been shown to have built immunity to it.

Next time you are checking off boxes in your GMPs, take a close look at your concrete surfaces. If you notice aging or pitting, or if they seem more difficult to clean, it may be time to take a different approach to seal in and seal out food-contaminating bacteria.

The author is Managing Editor of QA magazine. She can be reached at

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