Eagle Product Inspection Highlights FA3/M Fat Analysis Machine for Meat Inspection

The FA3/M system is designed for mixed bulk, frozen block and plastic crate applications for processors handling fresh, chilled, frozen or hot-boned meat in bulk or unwrapped form.

meat machine eagle product

Photo courtesy Eagle Product Inspection

LUTZ, Fla. – Eagle Product Inspection, an inspection and product safety solutions company, highlights its FA3/M meat inspection system, which provides fat measurement and contaminant detection for meat inspection. The FA3/M system is designed for mixed bulk, frozen block and plastic crate applications for processors handling fresh, chilled, frozen or hot-boned meat in bulk or unwrapped form.

The FA3/M system employs Eagle's Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) technology, which provides measurements of chemical lean (CL) content in meat with a precision of better than ±1CL. This system processes the entire product throughput, ensuring fat-to-lean ratio assessments. Additionally, its imaging capabilities, powered by SimulTask PRO software, identify contaminants such as metals, glass, calcified bones and stones.

Operating at industry-leading throughputs of up to 2,400 plastic crates or frozen blocks per hour — or up to 35 tons per hour of bulk meat — the FA3/M utilizes UPSHOT x-ray geometry for scanning from below. This design allows for inspection while maintaining a compact footprint, enhancing both contaminant detection and measurement accuracy, said the company.

The system can be recalibrated in under a minute. The VALIDATE feature enables operators to confirm calibration status at any time, ensuring compliance and providing necessary documentation for lean specifications. Additionally, the PRODUCT SWITCH functionality allows for automatic adjustments to inspection parameters during operation, facilitating quick transitions between different products without downtime.

For more information on the FA3/M meat inspection system, visit www.eaglepi.com/products/fat-analysis-machines/fa3m-meat-inspection/.