Global Handwashing Day Provides Inspiration

Oct. 15 was designated as a day to remind people of the importance of washing their hands with soap at critical times.

With Monday, October 15 being Global Handwashing Day, it’s a great week to promote handwashing in your facility – and community.

Established by the Global Handwashing Partnership in 2008, Global Handwashing Day is celebrated each year as a way to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of handwashing with soap. Global Handwashing Day is an opportunity to get involved in creative ways to encourage people to wash their hands with soap at critical times.

Handwashing is one of the most important steps that can be taken to prevent illness, food contamination and the spreading of germs. Many germs that can make people sick are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water. Handwashing is especially important during key times, such as after using the bathroom or before preparing food.

CDC has developed materials to help you and your employees celebrate by:

  • Learning how to wash hands the right way with these video demonstrations.
  • Watching a Facebook Live talk on October 15 at 11 AM EDT to learn why hygiene education is so important.
  • Joining the #HandwashingHeroes social media campaign and sharing a picture of you showing your clean hands.
  • Sharing handwashing lessons, events, and materials for thousands of students across the state of Georgia, where CDC is based.
  • Helping promote Global Handwashing Day in your community with CDC resources and materials.


QA Magazine also publishes regular online articles and annual magazine features on handwashing, including the most recent feature on How to Inspire Handwashing.