Insects Limited Introduces All Beetle Trap

The trap captures red and confused flour beetles, warehouse beetle, khapra beetle, cigarette beetle, rice weevil, saw-toothed and merchant grain beetles.

WESTFIELD IN - The new All Beetle Trap from Insects Limited is the latest addition to the company's lineup of pheromone traps for the stored product industry.  

Tested for two years by technical director, Alain VanRyckeghem BCE, this trap is low profile, easy to service and attracts several species. The trap has been designed to cater to service technicians by being easier to open, inspect and close.
VanRyckeghem said, " The All Beetle Trap captures red and confused flour beetles, warehouse beetle, khapra beetle, cigarette beetle, rice weevil, saw-toothed and merchant grain beetles.” 
For more information contact Insects Limited at 1-800-992-1991 or visit