Tower Guard is a Visual and Physical Barrier for Birds

Bird Barrier’s Tower Guard deters gulls, cormorants, vultures, osprey, hawks, owls and other large birds.

CARSON, Calif. — Bird Barrier’s Tower Guard deters gulls, cormorants, vultures, osprey, hawks, owls and other large birds. It creates both a visual and physical barrier for railings and flat surfaces. Birds are looking for a low “cost of energy” perch that is easy and safe. As they view the Guard, they see that it takes away the perch and it is too small and unstable to land on. 

The posts can be easily removed from the bases. This allows for maintenance on antennas and railing where access is important. Tower Guard is made from the same plastic that the telecom industry uses for its outdoor boxes. It’s well documented to withstand UV degradation for many years. 

For more information visit Or call Bird Barrier at 800/662-4637 or (800) NO-BIRDS.

(Pictured: This pier used to be crowded with gulls. After placing Tower Guard on the railings of the pier, the birds stayed away.)