SaniDate 2.0 is an environmentally responsible liquid disinfectant designed specifically for sanitarians and food processing professionals. Available from BioSafe Systems, the product’s activated peroxygen formula is labeled for a broad range of viral and bacterial diseases including human health pathogens such as E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella. SaniDate 2.0 is labeled for liquid, foaming and fogging sanitization of food contact surfaces, food processing equipment, food conveyors, packing house equipment and bottle rinsing machines. Designed for food contact preparation surfaces and equipment, SaniDate 2.0 kills disease in 60 seconds. Use areas include dairy, meat, egg, seafood, poultry and vegetable processing and packing plants. A two percent PAA formulation, SaniDate 2.0 is used for sanitizing packinghouses and food processing facilities that require high standards of disease control. Employing SaniDate 2.0 Liquid in Clean-in-Place systems is a highly successful method for sanitizing dangerous disease from the equipment and lines, according to the manufacturer. The disinfectant also may be used for un-cleaned surfaces for combined sanitization and cleaning. SaniDate 2.0 features a reduced-risk formula that is an effective alternative to chlorine and quaternary compounds. SaniDate 2.0’s environmentally friendly chemistry meets the criteria of the National Organic Standards.
For more information visit www.biosafesystems.com