Cherney College Offers Continuing Education Courses

Three courses remain for 2019.

Cherney College, which offers continuing education courses, has three courses remaining for 2019:

  • Environmental Monitoring & Sanitation Essentials (October 9-10) $1,095. Gain an understanding on how to use sanitation as a control of hazards and the importance of a strong environmental monitoring program for verification. This course will give you the tools to build or improve an environmental monitoring program based on industry best practices. This is a great course for all levels of quality and sanitation teams
  • Advanced Food Microbiology (October 24-25) $995. A follow-up class to  Introduction to Food Microbiology, the course expands on the discussion of test methods and interpretation of results. It is targeted towards quality managers or laboratory supervisors who are in decision-making roles.
  • FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCQI) (November 13-15) $800. This course is for anyone involved in food safety. From quality and sanitation to production leadership, it will help you understand how to implement and meet the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirements in your facility. Using the standardized FSPCA curriculum that is recognized by the FDA to meet the training requirements necessary to become a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI), you can learn how to develop and understand a Food Safety Plan in 2.5 days, and use a model production plan to actively build a mock Food Safety Plan with a group of your peers.

For registration or additional information, visit