Over the weekend, CBS News aired its documentary on ultra-processed foods, which included footage from this year's IFT FIRST event hosted annually by Chicago-based Institute of Food Technologists.
Here is IFT's official statement on the documentary:
"Over the weekend, CBS News released a documentary on ultra-processed foods that spotlighted the confusion, cultural debate, scientific gaps and need for additional research in ultra-processed foods, showing a broad perspective on a controversial and complicated subject. While we appreciate CBS News bringing forward a variety of voices on this subject and engaging with our IFT community at IFT FIRST, we hope others focus more on elevating food science and technology and engaging with food science experts to help bring forward evidence-based solutions that help boost consumer confidence in the food system.
“The path to healthier food starts with multi-disciplinary collaboration, including research and events such as IFT FIRST where the brightest minds in the food industry connect every year to address our biggest challenges like ultra-processed foods. From scientists to policy makers and from industry to consumers, IFT stands with all who seek to understand how processed foods impact lives around the world."
As part of its mission to support a healthier and more sustainable food system, IFT has released a content collection on ultra-processed foods (found here), and IFT's Journal of Food Science will release a special issue devoted solely to ultra-processed foods research next month.
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