TAG Becomes BRCGS Approved Training Establishment

The Acheson Group is now licensed by the BRCGS Standard as an Approved Training Enterprise and can provide Global Standards training and courses.

The Acheson Group (TAG) is now licensed by the BRCGS Standard as an Approved Training Enterprise (ATE). TAG has provided training on BRCGS’ Global Standards requirements and protocol in the past, as several team members were qualified as Approved Training Partners (ATPs), but this new recognition extends that capability to the full enterprise.

BRCGS recently launched its updated Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9, against which certification commenced in audits in February 2023, and for which it has developed new training courses. Two core themes of the new issue 9 are the development of food safety culture and building of core competencies. As an ATE, TAG can provide training to auditors, sites, consultants and retailers on the new issue 9.

TAG also delivers courses on BRCGS’ Global Food Safety Standard and Storage & Distribution Standard. Trained in the food categories of the BRCGS food standard, TAG ATPs offer expertise in global food manufacturing, certification audits and the U.S. FDA and Canadian CFIA regulations.

As part of the ATE/ATP BRCGS group, TAG trainers have undergone an application process and train-the-trainer sessions. All ATPs/ATEs work closely with BRCGS and attend various conferences and webinars to provide up-to-date information about the standards and BRCGS certification.

TAG also can provide ongoing guidance and training to senior managers and production staff and help them achieve and maintain their certification.

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