TAG Opens Registration for Preventive Controls for Human Food Qualified Individual Version 2 Training Courses

FSMA requires that facilities subject to the PCHF rule have a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual.

acheson group

Photo courtesy The Acheson Group

With 12 lead instructors qualified to train on the new FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCHF) Qualified Individual Version 2 training course, The Acheson Group (TAG) has courses scheduled for each quarter of 2025, with more in planning stages.

FSMA requires that facilities subject to the PCHF rule have a Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI). This is someone who has successfully completed training in the development and application of risk-based preventive controls at least equivalent to that received under a standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by FDA or is otherwise qualified through job experience to develop and apply a food safety system.

Last October, FSPCA, whose training is recognized by FDA as the standardized curriculum, updated the PCHF course. Version 2 represents a significant update to the curriculum and includes updates on hazard analysis based on FDA’s current thinking and Hazard Guide, a rearrangement of the coverage of verification and record keeping management components within each PC chapter, the addition of more examples for each of the PC management components and a streamlining of material to reduce redundancy.

Although it is not required that previously trained PCQIs be retrained, version 2 can provide these persons with a refresher along with an understanding of current FDA thinking and guidance, said TAG. Version 2 is now the default training for new PCQIs. Participants who complete the course will receive a Certificate of Training.

The currently scheduled dates for the FSPCA PCHF PCQI v.2 training led by TAG lead instructors include:

  • April 14-16 – Sam Davidson and Ruth Petran
  • August 5-7 – Kate McInnes and Lily Yang
  • Dec. 8-10 – Kate McInnes and Ruth Petran

TAG is continually adding additional training dates for PCQI v.2, including one in Spanish tentatively scheduled for October, as well as other courses. TAG also provides FSPCA training on Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessments (IAVA) and Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) and has two HACCP courses scheduled for 2025:

  • May 5-6 – HACCP – Sam Davidson and Kate McInnes
  • Sept. 9-10 – HACCP – Sam Davidson and Kate McInnes

For more information, registration and ongoing updates on new courses, visit the TAG Events web page. For information on custom or company-specific training, contact info@AchesonGroup.com or 800-401-2239, or visit the TAG website.