Walmart's VP Food Safety Frank Yiannas Headed to FDA

Yiannas will join FDA as deputy commissioner for food policy and response.

In November Walmart Vice President of Food Safety Frank Yiannas will be joining the FDA. Taking over for the retiring FDA Deputy Commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine Stephen Ostroff, Yiannas will become FDA deputy commissioner for food policy and response. Ostroff will retire in January.

The proposed reorganization plan, which is undergoing review, includes creation of the Office of Food Policy and Response (OFPR) led by Yiannas, focused primarily on advancing the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and coordinating foodborne illness outbreak response.

According to Politico, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s email to staff lauded Ostroff, noted that he was "instrumental" in recruiting Yiannas to join FDA, and stated that Ostroff will help Yiannas get settled into his new role.

As discussed in QA’s Cover Profile on Frank Yiannas, he has long been a key driver of food safety for the entire food industry, requiring strict mandates for Walmart suppliers, publishing two books on Food Safety Culture, and driving international traceability standards, such as blockchain.